Seeing The Far West. By John T. Faris. (lippincott. 25s.
net.)—This is an interesting and attractive book about the wild and grand scenery to be found in the Western States of America. It is well illustrated with photographs which......
"national Service" Of British Merchant Seamen, 1914-1919....
(Routledge. 6s. net.)—Father Hopkins, of the Seamen's and Firemen's Union, describes in this book the friendly relations between the union and the shipowners and the steps by......
British Secret Service During The Great War. By Nicholas...
(Hutchinson. ma. net.)—Mr. Everitt devotes about half of this book to an account of his adventures as a secret service agent in Scandinavia during the war. The other half is......
A Manual Of The Public Benefactions Of Andrew Carnegie,...
: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.)— This remarkable book gives a summary account of the numerous institutions, great and small, which the late Mr. Carnegie founded,......
Some Idea Of The Riches Of Archbishop Parker's Library, Be-
queathed to Corpus Christi, Cambridge, in 1574, may be gathered from a Guide to an Exhibition of Historical Authorities which the librarian, Sir Geoffrey Butler, has compiled......