The American Secretary of State, in a Note to Great
Britain which was published last Friday, announced that the United States, having taken part in the war, must be consulted in regard to the mandates, and especially in regard to Mesopotamia where there are oil deposits. The oilfields of Mesopotamia are of course insignificant in comparison with the oilfields of America and Mexico which are controlled by the Standard Oil Compar13, But we are delighted to see that America is taking an interest in the potential resources of the Upper Tigris. For if America, which took no part in negotiating the Turkish Peace Treaty and did not even declare war on Turkey, demands to be caw suited about the Mesopotamian mandate, she cannot refuse to share in the political responsibilities which that mandate involves The Covenant, which President Wilson signed but which the Senate refused to endorse, provides that the Council, failing agreement among the members of the League, shall define the mandates. If America is really desirous of assisting the COUnell in this work, it will be a great gain for the overburdened Allies.