A Manual of the Public Benefactions of Andrew Carnegie, (Washington
: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.)— This remarkable book gives a summary account of the numerous institutions, great and small, which the late Mr. Carnegie founded, and a list of his benefactions. Although he was known to have
given vast stuns, it Will probably infrprise most readers to learn the the total amount of his gifts, during his lifetime, was 288,743,360 dollars 65 cents—or, at the present rate of exchange, over E80,000,000. He bequeathed nearly a million dollars to various institutions, and the residue of his estate to the Carnegie Corporation. It seems unnatural for a man to make so much money, but, unlike most of his fellow-millionaires, Mr. Carnegie spent his fortune, for the most part wisely, on public institutions which will continue to do good. For example, the richly endowed Carnegie Institution of Washington, for the promotion of research, has limitless potentialities of usefulneas.