4 DECEMBER 1920, Page 3

Mr. Bonar Law, speaking at a dinner of the Unionist

Club on Tuesday, dealt entirely with the Irish question and made great and justifiable play with the irreconcilability of the views expressed by Lord Grey of Fallocl on and Mr. Asquith. Lord Grey's plan of withdrawing from Ireland after two years was simply—as we ourselves have said several times—a method of preparing Civil War. Frantic preparations would be made by the rival factions in Ireland in order to fly at one another's throats directly control was removed. We ourselves remarked, when Lord Grey made his proposal, that it was like letting all the animals in the Zoo out of their cages and removing the keepers. Mr. Bonar Law evidently agrees. As for Mr. Asquith's treatment of reprisals, Mr. Boner Law said :— " I do not envy Mr. Asquith the part which he is playing in this great tragedy. The poisoned weapons which are being used everywhere abroad, and notably in the United States— weapons not to weaken this Government, but to condemn this nation, to besmirch the fair fame of the men who have fouFhl and died for us—those weapons are not the writings of Stun Feiners nor the utterances of Kenworthys or Jack Joneeea but they are speeches of a man who for eight years under the King was responsible for all these forces of the Crown."