[To the Editor of lhe SPECTATOR.]
Sra,—May one express the earnest hope that the new habit— which was acquired during the mining dispute—of using coat thriftily, will survive the withdrawal of the restrictions upon the sale of that commodity ? Surely fuel economy ought to begin near the source ? Why should we be permitted to send coal up to heaven in filthy smoke, when from every ton of it there might be obtained 14 cwts. of brightly burning smokeless fuel, large quantities of petrol and other valuable by-products ?
It is encouraging to read that a further effort is about to be made at Barnsley to transmute coal by the low-temperature carbonization process. Is there any reason why Mr. Baldwin's benediction of private enterprise should be extended from the old coal to the new ? I should have thought that it was a matter of public concern to tear aside the deadly smoke pall which in these winter months covers " England's green and pleasant land."—I am, Sir, &c.,