Jimmy, Mrs. Fisher's Ten-year-old Son, Ordered The Twelve...
her new book, and also supplied the ingredients. " I do hate fairies in stories," he said, " and I hate things that couldn't possibly haVe happened, and I despise a story that......
Books For Boys
The Adventure of a Trafalgar. Lid. By John Laltzrm%n. (Jonatlian Cape.' 7s. (id.) % (Reviewed by A. Yeats-Brown, aged 11.) Ma. LESTERMAN'S book is the very thing for any boys -......
Moby Dick. By Herman Melville. Abridged By A. E. W.
Blake. (Cape. 78. 6d.) Tins is a new edition for boys of Herman Melville's story. The book is attractively produced, well printed and illustrated by a master of the art, Mr;......
Blood And Thunder "
Tun grand old tradition of boys' books is " blood and thunder." There is no sign of the tradition -failing. Pedro of the " Block Death," by C. M. Bennett- (Nisbett, 5s. net.),......