Rosemary. Some Remembrances. By Fay Compton. With An...
Compton Mackenzie. (Alston Rivers. 15s.)—There is, after all, something in the craft of writing, though publishers and editors often prefer to have it done (as here) by the......
Dundonald Had Been A Soldier In 1vashington's Army, Or...
absurdly) had fought wit la I he Boers instead of against them, or anyhow had found SOW(' sphere fur his inventiveness and originality where cramping officialism was not and......
Romanticism. By Lascelles Abercrombie. (seeker. Gs....
deep and spirited. h is foundations are laid among the pre-Socratic philosophers, those surpassingly great men who spoke in oracles through the passionate depth of their......
A Sane Historian
Mr. Charles : Bing of England. By John Drinkwater. (Hodder and Stoughton. 18s.) MR. DRINKWATER has written a sound, plain biography of the earlier life of Charles II, with a......
Current Literature Lobo Birkenhead. By " Ephesian. -...
10s. 6d.)--But this is too much ! At one side of the picture stands Lord Birkenhead's father, who at the age of 21 was a sergeant-major in the Royal Artillery and was making......
Some Reference Books
Ma. HoanE's Short Italian. Dictionary (Vol. II. English- Italian, Cambridge University Press, 10s. 6d.) is not only the best Italian dictionary that we know but it is one of the......