Rosemary. Some Remembrances. By Fay Compton. With An...
Compton Mackenzie. (Alston Rivers. 15s.)—There is, after all, something in the craft of writing, though publishers and editors often prefer to have it done (as here) by the......
H.r.h. : A Character Study Of The Prince Of' Wales.
By Major F. E. Verney, M.C. (Hutchinson. 20s.). —Perhaps the best thing to be said for this book is that no one after reading it is likely to wish it had not been written. It is......
S.p.q.r. By Peter Hastings. (holden. 7s. 6d. Net.)— It Is
disquieting to see that Mr. Hasting's first novel is written with such ease. We could forgive him awkwardness or the fault of aiming too high. But, in fact, he aims tot!, low......
John Sell Cotman. By S. C. Kaines Smith. (british Artists
Series. Philip Allan. 5s.)—Only within recent years —perhaps since the wonderful exhibition at the Tate Gallery—has Cotman become widely known to the public. But he has always......
Days Of Disillusion. By Chester F. Cobb. (allen And Unwin.
7s. 6d. net:)—Mr. Cobb gives us the life of a typical modern man, from boyhood to the age of forty. He is shown at six crises in his life, when fate seems to have taken it in......
Mart's World. By Charlotte Haldane. (chatto And Windus....
net.)—It cannot be said that the conditions of the human race, as amended by Science and depicted by Mrs. Haldane, are very attractive to people who live in the twentieth......
Primitive Culture In Italy. By H. J. Rose. (methuen. '7s.
6d.)—The distinctive feature of this able essay on the background of Roman history is the skill with which anthropological evidence from other regions is made to elucidate the......
Thebes : The Glory Of A Great Past. By Jean
Capart and Marcellc Werbrouck. Translated by Professor W. E. Caldwell and edited by Miss E. Louisa Thonipson. (J. Allen and Unwin. 63s. net.)—This superb quarto, abound- ing in......
Other Novels
Tug familiar plot of the girl brought up in affluence and reduced to poverty is presented by Mrs. Harrod (Fiances Forbes-Robertson) in her new volume; Lovers (Jarrolds. 7s. 6d.......
IT'S NOT DONE. By William C. Bullitt. (Brentano's. 7s. 6d. net.)—A new world, Mr. Bullitt shows us, is pushing up into the fastnesses of the old American aristocracy. The codes......