The Daily Mail Year Book is as good as ever
and compacter than ever also, for it is now printed on specially thin but not transparent paper. The special articles are full of interest, as usual, notably Mr. H. W. Wilson's " Survey of Aviation and Mr. Pemberton's " Motoring Review." There is nothing like this Year Book for giving us terse and accurate information in tabloid form. The year's topics give one pause : here are some of the things in 'which the great public was chiefly interested : The Duchess of Yolk's Baby, The-General Strike, Queen Victoria's Letters, Valentino's Death, the Charleston, Dimpled Evening Shirts, Valencia, Miss Gertrude Ederle. What a jumble 1
We have received some charming calendars and Christmatt cards with an Anglo-Catholic flavour from Messrs. Mowbray and Co: Some of the coloured illustrations are excellent and the series can be cordially recommended.