This Week in London
Monday, December 6t1i, at 8 p.m.-A Public Meeting will be had at the Kingsway Hall to protest against the threatened fiestruction of parts of the Bloomsbury district. Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson in the chair.
Tuesday, December 7th, at 8.30 p.m.-Mums WEST Antics. By the Hon. W. G. Ormsby-Gore, M.P. Under the auspices of the RoYal Colonial Institute. At the Edward VII Rooms, Hotel Victoria. Also, December 7th, at 8.30 p.m.-RECENT ExcAvs. tioxs IN MALTA. By Miss M. A. Murray. At the Royal Anthro- Pological Institute, 52 Upper Bedford Place, Russell Square, W.C. 1.
Thursday, December 9th, at 8.30.-SHAKESPEARE IN ROuNLANIA. By Marco Beza. At King's College, Strand. Tickets from the Secretary, P.E.N. Club, 6 Portman Mansions, Baker Street, W. 1.
Saturday, December 11th, at 3 p.m.-HENRY PURCELL AND His CorrrEmpoReauts, By Dr. Cyril Rootham. At the Royal Instituta 1:4 Cleat Britain, 21 AlberriArle'Street, W.1;