4 DECEMBER 1953, Page 18

re gppectator

DECEMBER 3rd, 1853 IRELAND.—There has been a "run" upon the Abbey Street branch of the Dublin Savings-Bank. Upwards of 40,0001. was " called " for The managers immediately issued a statement showing the perfectly solvent condition of the bank. The amount due to depositors is 275,80014 there is a sum of 275,800/. 8.v. 8d. lodged to the account of the trustees in the hands of the National Debt Commissioners, balance of 1,451/. in the Bank of Ireland, and the prethises in Abbe} Street. It is supposed that the depositors were alarmed because the Cork Savings-Bank had been closed for a short time to effect some repairs. No other cause is assigned or imagined.

FRANcE.--Whenever the Emperoi quits Paris for any length of t:me, numberless rumours float about in " society," of accidents that have befallen and attempts at assassination that have been made upon him. Now a sword is thrust through his side, then a ball in his thorax or a limb fractured by a bullet. Such reports circulated freely during the last few days of the sojourn at Fontainebleau. Nobody bellevec them, but still they were current. However, the faithful Parisians saw their Emperor and his wife return on Wednesday, and take up their abode in the Tuileries. The origin of the latest alarming reports is imputed to another rumour, that in riding through the forest the Emperor sttuck his shoulder slightly against the branch of a tree.