4 DECEMBER 1953, page 13

Letters To The 9 Editor

A POLICY FOR THE WEST SIR, — Now that East-West talks are a pos . si- bility, a common policy must be decided Upon. And this is not easy, between the Scylla of appeasement and......

Wealthy Or Wise?

SIR, — The Admiralty recently took the unusual course of publishing a committee's report on the entry of naval cadets in order to obtain public reaction to the proposals. The......

The Piltdown Forgery Piltdown Man Is Dead ! It Had

to be told, 1 suppose, this revelation of the truth, —and the falsity; yet now that the bones of the anthropological plot have been laid so cruelly bare there are those of us......

The Burnham Scale

SIR, — The maximum salary of an Assistant Master in a Grammar School, before the war £480 per annum, is now £766; the latest Burnham Award offers £821. To this can be added, for......