4 DECEMBER 1953, page 14


Although I have seen jackdaws among great gatherings of rooks up on the old stubble. I have noticed that our own natives are back on the chimney pots. They are cawing round the......

A Black Rabbit The Afternoon Was A Quiet One And

I stood on the hillside on a patch of ground where it was apparent a large number of foxgloves grow. A little ahead there was a belt of bracken behind a mound topped by a......

Wealthy Or Wise?

SIR, — The Admiralty recently took the unusual course of publishing a committee's report on the entry of naval cadets in order to obtain public reaction to the proposals. The......

Priests, Politics, And The Pope

SIR,—A Monsignor may, be head of the Government in Austria: there may be a "Catholic " 'centre party in Italy without protest from Rome: priests in Italy and Ireland are......

St. Anne's College, Oxford

SIR,—Old members and friends of St. Anne's College, Oxford, which was formerly the Society of Oxford Home-Students, are re- quested to write to the College for copies of an......

Count Ry Life

PLOUGHING goes on while conditions on particular fields are suitable, although a few days of rain bring all to a standstill for as long again. While the wind blows and the rain......