4 DECEMBER 1953, page 34

Teapots And Quails. By Edward Lear. (john Murray. 12s. 6d.)

Teapots and Quails. By Edward Lear. (John Murray. 12s. 6d.) Tins small collection of hitherto unknown poems and drawings is notable to lovers of nonsense because it introduces......

The Great Frontier. By Walter Prescott Webb. (seeker &...

30s.) PROFESSOR Wean, who is one of 'America's most distinguished historians, has written an erudite book based on the assumption that European society in the days of Chris- '......

Other Recent Books

THE MONTH'S REPRINTS WHEN Benjamin Jowett died in 1893, he bequeathed Balliol his writings, to be " republished from time to time." His monumental translation of Plato, first......

Madeline's Rescue. By Ludwig Bemelmans. (derek...

BEMELMANS'S newest picture-story book is far too good to be kicked round the house by a child of the age for which, at first glance, some might think it had been produced.......