Snt,—As an officer of the last war, I sympathise with " Demobilised Officer " on the subject of " job hunting," but there is another side to it all. Your correspondent's letter, I think, was a little hard on the employers, but no doubt some employers need reminding of what the Servicemen have done for than! In our own case, we have found the position rather different from that which your correspondent relates. We are in search of a number of youngish men, 25 to 3o, for various parts of the country, to occupy the position of salesmen calling upon the grocery trade for the sale of high-grade proprietary foodstuffs.
We have communicated with a number of box numbers in The Times during the last few months, sending details of vacancies, but in no case have we received a reply, an acknowledgement or an application for further particulars. This is just the experience of one small unit in the foodstuffs trade, but we content ourselves with enclosing our card and