Sir,—may I, As A Young Student Of Eighteen,...
the views expressed by " Student " from my native city and by Mr. C. Scott? The author of your original article " Youth and the Churches " was, I think, correct in his statement......
Youth And The Churches
SIR,—In his letter of December zest, Sir Henry Bashford asks whether the time has not come for the Church as a whole to consider, reverently, whether it could not embody the......
Letters To The Editor
AIR TRANSPORT AND THE R.A.F. SIR, —Mr. West opens his letter with the sentence, " There is hardly a line of your contributor Nigel Tangye's article on Air Transport and the......
Sui,—" Student " Must Have Been Greatly Impressed With Canon
Marriott's letter in your last issue. I can imagine him feeling that it was the last word—the last word of hopelessness as far as the Church is concerned. But " Student " will......