4 JANUARY 1946, page 23
The Scourge Of Banality
Chekhov the Man. By Kornei Chukovsky. (Hutchinson. 5s.) " His enemy was banality," wrote Gorki of Chekhov ; " he fought it all his life long ; he ridiculed it, drawing with a......
Siegfried's Journey. By Siegfried Sassoon. (Faber and Faber. 10s. 6d.) IN a famous trilogy, Mr. Sassoon has recorded the experiences of George Sherston before and during the war......
A Gospel For Today
Strangers and Pilgrims. By the Very Rev. W. R. Matthews, Dean of St. Paul's. (Nisbet. 8s. 6d.) " I no not apologise," observed Dr. Matthews to his congregation at St. Paul's, "......