4 JANUARY 1946, page 18

Sir,—may I, As A Young Student Of Eighteen,...

the views expressed by " Student " from my native city and by Mr. C. Scott? The author of your original article " Youth and the Churches " was, I think, correct in his statement......

Release And Resettlement

Sta,—As a Serviceman who volunteered straight from school at the age of eighteen, I belong to that growing group who have had their education interrupted. In the course of our......

Sra,—we Should Like To Comment From Our Own Experience On

Class B releases from the Forces. We were selected as two of the 3,000 Arts students who were to be released to resume their studies not later than the beginning of October.......

Sm,—it Was With Pleasure And A Sense Of Relief That

I read Dennis Bardens' article " Czechs and Germans "' in The Spectator of Decem- ber I4th—pleasure that at length someone who knew the situation in Czechoslovakia accurately......


Snt,—As an officer of the last war, I sympathise with " Demobilised Officer " on the subject of " job hunting," but there is another side to it all. Your correspondent's letter,......

Czechs -germans Sra,—in The Spectator Of December 24th,...

wrote on "Czechs and Germans "..in order to-prove that " there is not the faintest Sra,—In The Spectator of December 24th, Dennis Bardens wrote on "Czechs and Germans "..in......