4 JANUARY 1946, Page 7

The Will

The finding of Hitler's political and personal testaments makes an enthralling story, which reflects great credit on the Allied intelli- gence services and especially on the British, who were the first to get possession of the documents. They deserve the publicity which has been given them by the Press here, and it is to be hoped they are being given equal if not greater publicity in Germany. Nothing could be more damaging to the growth of a heroic legend than Hitler's choice of the easiest way out while encouraging others to continue a hopeless fight ; Hitler's absorption in his own personal fate, and in legitimising his union with Eva Braun, while Germany was bleeding to death, may persuade some of his most fanatical admirers that in fact the Fiihrer was not worthy of their devotion. These remarkable documents should be read in the context of the events of the last few days in the Reich Chancellery before the final surrender. They show that in the end even Hitler's extraordinary power of command, and of exerting his will, broke down and that in the final hours of his life he took his decisions from his mistress. Even the Russians may now be convinced that the Fiihrer is dead ; the only serious mystery that still remains to be solved is the fate of Martin Bormann who, if he is still alive, is certainly the most dangerous man in Germany.