LA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, January 12th, addressed Crossword, t9 Cower Street, London, W.C.I. Envelopes must be received not later than first post mat day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2fd. stamp. Solutions *UM be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The aohdion and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
I. Pree and easy girl of opera. (71.) 5. The greatest of the prophets. (6.) 9. One of the fruits of victory. (8.) 10. On the roof he possibly alters. (6.)
12. I agree, it's her new make-up. (6.)
13. He cuts a sorry figure. 18.1 15. It might look more attractive with green peas. (4. 8.1 19. Mean reduction of rationed food. (12.) 23. A quiet .spell in Tring. (8.1 24. His resurrection seems to have been anticipated. (3. 3.) 26. Tne artist gets his decree back. (6) 27. She was slumbering still. (B.) 29. Undertake. (6.1 29. Heavy soil Increasing with some edge. (S.)
1. This part of the car should be full
2. 'Ire `Lie with rope. i6.)
3. " Its my opinion. sir, that this - is drunk, sir I ' (Dickens). (7.) 4. It was always apparent in the bowling of Pairservice. (4.) 6. The inspiration of Robinson Crusoe. (7.)
78. 1 relenptelel.blIeortianriTe age) its broken. Id.)
11. Concerning much paper. (7.1 14. My Pat goes disguised to New York. (7.) 14. It's no fine for the Northerner. 14. 4.) 17. Telling a tale that goes wrong in the ring. (9.)
19. Naturally the young hound has an im- mature bark. 17.)
20. Bad, and full of ciphers 7 (7.) 21. Musical garment. (6.) 22. Position as a matter of course. 25. Promenade that is halt another.