On And Off The Zebra
SIR,—" Let's talk of zebras." Surely, the point is we've talked too much about zebras and too little about the rest of the road; for the trouble is not what occurs on a crossing......
" Gower St. And All That "
Sta,—I have no wish to detract from Mr. Wilson Harris's sentimental perambulations in Gower Street. , Surely, however, since it was inhabited by the famous men whom he mentions,......
Licensing Laws In New Towns
SIR,—State management was introduced into Carlisle in 1917 because of the d:sorderly conduct of imported munition workers. It has yet to be shown that Carlisle people are happy......
The Rewards Of Courage
SIR, —In your article The Omens for 1952 appears the sentence: " But in this country courage never .fails of its reward." Although we should all like to believe that this is......
Sir,—far Be It From 'me To Defend The Prices Charged
for British books in Canada, which are often excessive. But the basis is almost invariably decided in Toronto, and in most cases, even though he supplies the books on......
English Books In Canada
Sut,—With reference to Professor Satterly's• letter in your issue of December 28th I would like to point out that my firm does not sell Smart's The Origin of the Earth in......
Christmas Questions
SIR,—Presumably the man who sets the Christmas Question§ also supplies the answers, and he should be right. But, I protest, the missing partner to Gunn is not Shrewsbury, but......
Travellers' Deaths
Sta,—Professor Brogan says he has seen the statistics which prove that air travel is safer than road or rail, and doesn't believe them. I think I know why. The airlines say that......
Side-lights In Fog
Sut,—Recent careful observation convinces me that Janus gives bad advice to motorists when he bids them, during daylight fog, switch on their side-lights only. Sometimes the......
Notes On An Author
SIR,—Janus writes that the true metier of the late Hilary St. George Saunders was writing popular histories of the war. If this means that the co-author of The Seven Sleepers......
What Education Costs
SIR, —If your correspondent, " Father of Four," cares to let me know the name of the school in question, I will gladly make enquiries, and, if the facts are substantiated......