4 JANUARY 1952, page 20

Advertising Costs

Sta,—In your review of the book by Mr. Hermann Levy on drink it is stated that in 1935 advertising expenditure was 7 per cent, of the sales of drink as compared with 42.6 per......

Letters To The Editor

Open Covenants Sta,—Mr. Noel-Baker protests a little too much. His assertion that the Security Council " settled the question of the Berlin blockade after the old diplomacy had......

Punctuation And Thought

SIR,—The Spectator has justly castigated those of us who cannot spell and those to whom punctuation is a mystery. But what about pro- nunciation ? Perhaps some of your learned......

Sir,—every Year, As Christmas Comes, Readers Both...

might pay attention to the punctuation of Luke II. 16. Congregations are always being told that the shepherds found " Mary and Joseph and the babe, lying in a manger." The comma......

Rent Tribunals

Sm.—When Mr. Churchill appealed early in the war to all who could to leave the areas subjected to the Blitz, thousands of elderly occupier- owners went to remote areas, having......

Italian Miners?

SIR, —Mr. Mitchell's article, admirably written as it is, does nothing to lessen the anxiety and impatience which grows - amongst millions of Britons regarding the coal......


SIR, --It is a pity that the author and the reviewer of The Single Woman of Today—and indeed many more who write on the same subject—do not trouble to consult the......