4 JANUARY 1952, page 6

The Needs Of France

The situation which led M. Pleven to put the question of confidence in the attempt to get the Budget through the National Assembly was typical enough of French politics. The......

The Government's Income

The Exchequer returns on December 31st, at the end of the first nine months of the financial• year, showed that Government ordinary expenditure exceeded revenue by £209m. Since......


There is a laudable air of restraint about the announcement put out by the Monsanto Chemical Company of the United States about a substance called Krilium, which, by improving......

Stop The Spiral

The rise in costs and prices is due to be halted, if Government action can halt it, in 1952. Several Ministers, during the tenure of the Labour Government, forecast that the......

Korean Issues

The offer by the United Nations' negotiators to modify their claims for supervision and inspection throughout Korea during the truce, in' return for the abandonment of the......