[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—During a stay in
South Africa about a year ago I read the daily papers fairly diligently ; and, as a result, I came to the conclusion that one of the most disquieting effects of "colour bar" feeling there is the fact- that (in spite of our British ideals of equal justice for all races within the Empire) it is actually well-nigh impossible in some districts for a native to obtain justice against a European, even where ill-treatment is clearly proved. I quote two cases as samples : "FROM TKE TRANSVAAL. January, I930.—A. native boy of sixteen knocked down and savagely kicked. Result, paralysis for life. The European farm manager was proved guilty, and fined £10. One year allowed for payment. A native found guilty of stock theft from a European. Sen- tence : Five months' hard labour, £5 fine and five lashes. The 'stock' was one lien ! "
A well-known judge - there, in discussing present conditions, deplored this state of affairs and the resulting feeling of "no confidence" growing amongst the natives.
Another point which I noticed was that though it may be
necessary to have separate " apertures " through which natives buy tickets, stamps, &c., in stations and post offices, the deliberate and studied discourtesy and delay in attending to them cannot be necessary, and is in marked contrast to the good manners and patience of most of the natives that I observed.—I am, Sir, &c., C. M. POLAND.
Layer de la Haye, Colchester.