4 JULY 1931, page 23

• [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIII,—May I suggest that the article on Burma in your issue of June 20th has a generous share of the ignorance of that country with which it charges the rest of Great Britain ?......

Pharmacy And Poisons Bill [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIR,—With reference to the letter in your issue of June 27th, signed "Olga Nethersole " and headed "Pharmacy and Poisons Bill," Miss Nethersole is apparently quite ignorant of......

Mary Queen Of Scots , [t& The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] Sin,-May I be allowed, with much respect, to point out a slip in historical accuracy which I read in last week's Spectator, in Mr. John Buchan's review of Mr.......

[to The Editor Of The Srecmioa.] .

SIR,—In your issue of June 13th there appeared a critical letter from Mr. William A. Bone on the subject of low-temper- ature carbonization. While admitting that low-temperature......

Burma Rto The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sra,—I read with attention your leader in the Spectator of June 20th and heartily agree that the plain way to settle the Burma question in a manner satisfactory to all is to......