To a Returned Traveller WISE with your wanderings, you thought to find Us somehow altered too ; but in amaze Found us contented with the very ways, The thoughts, the projects......
Pharmacy And Poisons Bill [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—With reference to the letter in your issue of June 27th, signed "Olga Nethersole " and headed "Pharmacy and Poisons Bill," Miss Nethersole is apparently quite ignorant of......
' The Derr Or Wellington.
His Grace's health, it is said, has of late been by no means satis- factory to his medical attendants, who have pressed upon his Grace the propriety of a more generous diet than......
May One Refer To The Article "the Modern Home, The
Art of the Table" in your journal of June 20th, written under the name of G. M. Boumphrey ? Your correspondent is concerned and a little alarmed as to how such an exhibition as......
The Idea Of God.
I notice that a curious error has crept into my article on the Idea of God. I am made to attribute to Mr. Wood the propen- sity to suspect those who lay stress on religious......
Holidays For Poor Clergy.
May we again ask for the support of your readers on behalf of the London Poor Clergy Holiday Fund, which not only assists clergy in the London diocese, but also makes block......
Ways And Means.
The surplus in the Exchequer on the 5th of January 1831 was 93,5611. 178. Ofd.......
A Hundred Years Ago
THE " SPECTATOR," JULY 2ND, 1831. OLD BAILEY. These Sessions commenced on Thursday with' a calendar of 342 prisoners. Buglary 2, forgery 2, housebreaking 12, highway robbery 3,......
Church And Mental Health.
At the annual meeting of the National Society for Lunacy Law Reform (held in London on June 18th) Dr. Risien Russell said as the Law stood there was no possible means of......