4 JULY 1931, page 38

Conditions At Home.

With regard to financial and political conditions at home, it would be rather difficult to say whether there is more or less anxiety concerning the position than there was at......

A Trying Half-year.

The past half-year has been a trying one for the investor ; and although the Hoover development has produced so remarkable a recovery in prices as to cause the six months to end......

Finance Public & Private

The Financial Outlook LAST week I referred to the important new factor which had been imported into the financial situation in the shape of President Hoover's proposal for a......

Present Conditions.

It must not be thought that President Hoover's Plan leaves the situation in Germany other than serious, but the release for one year of foreign claims amounting to over......

International Co-operation.

Moreover, President Hoover's plan must not be regarded as the sole explanation of the rise in prices. It has manifestly been followed by further action on the part of the......

The Dominating Factors.

I suggest that in any consideration of the possibilities for the current half-year too much stress Should not be laid upon the mere rally which has taken place in prices during......