4 JULY 1931, Page 7

Mr. John Bailey In Mr. John Cann Bailey, who died

on Monday at the age of sixty-seven, we have lost a literary critic of rare distinction. A Norwich man, he was educated at Haileybury and New College, Oxford, and was called to the Bar, but he gave his life to the study and inter- pretation of our great writers. His unsigned articles in the Times Literary Supplement had for years delighted many readers ; some of these articles were reprinted in "The Continuity of Letters" and "Poets and Poetry." Among his other books was a good edition of Cowper. Mr. Bailey in his youth tried without success to enter the House of Commons. He found scope for his organizing ability and his wish to , render some service to the com- munity in the National Trust, of which he had long been chairman of the executive. Many of the gifts of land and buildings which have come to the Trust were directly attributable to Mr. Bailey's persuasive enthusiasin for this great cause.