The Whitby and Pickering Railway was opened with suitable ccre.
molly on Thursday week. The weather being fine, a great concourse of people attended, and the affair passed off admirably.
Prior Park, which formed part of the Roman Catholic College, near Bath, was destroyed by tire on Monday night. The Bath and Cheltenham Gazette gives the following summary of the Canrage- " The fire was confined to the centre mansion, which consisted of the Bishop's residence, the library, the chapel, the strangers' apartments, and some domestic offices. The two colleges, which are situate at sonic distaitee from the main buildings, ate fortunately uninjured. The main walls and beautiful por- tico still remain ; and, from the durable and substantial matitt:r in which the building was erected, we understand that a great portion of the will be available in the future reparation of the building. The toes sustained is in some measure covered by an insurance in the Norwich Union. We are happy to add, that the library and valuable paintings, together with h the splen- did tables of Sicilian alabaster belonging to the drawing-rmun, and the furni- ture of the house generally, were preserved from the imminent danger to which they were for some time exposed."