The Magician
Is a powerful and skilful tale,—powerful, from the distinctness and force with which the mere bodily features of the age are presented; skilful, from the contrivances which the......
Spectator's Library.
Fterion. The Magician. By Leitch Ritchie. In 3 vois Mama*. Tx 1%* E LS, Journey through Arabia Petrtra to Mount Sin-it. anti the tie waled City ct Petra, the Etlom of the......
French Plays.
L'IlEnIE has departed, and his place is supplied by MONROSE, a comedian of the Searamouch order, all grimace and gesticulation, with talent besides in personation and genuine......
Customhouse Abuses.
THE Commissioners of Customs have perhaps greater power of obliging private friends, and annoying those against whom, for any cause, or no reason, they may happen to have a......