4 JUNE 1836, page 2

The Intelligence From Spain Is By No Means Satisfactory. The

new Premier, ISTURITZ, has dissolved the Cortes, without, appa- rently, the slightest chance of obtaining a majority by a new election; and in the mean while MENDIZABAL and his......

Sir Francis Head Prorogued The Legislature Of Upper...

the 20th of April ; and it is said that he subsequently dissolved it. All the supplies have been withheld ; and all the money bills passed by the Assembly for the improvement of......

News Of The Week.

ANOTHER Parliamentary week has been devoted, almost exclu- sively, to the discussion of Irish affairs. It is by no means the lightest penalty for the misgovernment of Ireland,......

Letters From Constantinople Mention A Disagreeable...

Lord PONSONBY, our Ambassador, to as- sume a somewhat threatening attitude towards the Porte. Mr. CHURCHILL, an English merchant, accidentally wounded a Turkish boy, while......

There Is No News Of Importance From France. An Unsuccessful

attempt has been made in the Chamber of Deputies to curtail the usual grant of money to the Parisian theatres, on the ground of the immorality of some of the pieces recently......

Elcbatext Nub Pructatinad In Vntliantent.

1. THE CHURCH OF IRELAND. In the House of Commons, on Wednesday, Lord JOHN RUSSELL moved the order of the day for the second reading of the Irish Church Bill ; after some......