4 JUNE 1836, page 9

Far Court.

THE King entertained a dinner-party on Sunday, at St. James's Palace the guests were chiefly members of the Royal Family. On Monday, their Majesties returned to Windsor ; and on......

The Duke Of York's Creditors Had A Meeting On Monday,

and agreed to petition the House of Commons to take their case into consideration. A preliminary meeting of the Master Printers of the Metropolis 'was held yesterday, at......

Ent Country.

The nomination of candidates for South Essex took place on Thurs- day. at Chelmsford. Mr. Palmer was proposed by Mr. Round, and seconded by Mr. William Cotton. Mr. Branfil was......

The Court Of King's Bench, On Monday, Granted A Rule

for a criminal information against the proprietors of the Satirist, for a libel on Mr. George Moore, a Leicestershire gentleman, who was charged in that paper with having caused......

On Saturday, Mr. O'connell Was Entertained By A Large Party

of Liberals at Bungay, in Suffolk. The dinner was given in the Theatre ; every corner of which was filled—the upper boxes by ladies. Banners, bearing the following inscriptions,......

Cbc Aletropoins.

The Court of Common Council, on Tuesday, adopted a petition to the house of Commons, against the Lyndhurst Bill, and praying that good local government might be secured to......

Elcbatext Nub Pructatinad In Vntliantent.

1. THE CHURCH OF IRELAND. In the House of Commons, on Wednesday, Lord JOHN RUSSELL moved the order of the day for the second reading of the Irish Church Bill ; after some......