The Court of King's Bench, on Monday, granted a rule
for a criminal information against the proprietors of the Satirist, for a libel on Mr. George Moore, a Leicestershire gentleman, who was charged in that paper with having caused the death of his wife, a sisterof Lady Galloway and the Dutchess of Marlborough, by his cruelty. The Viee-Chaneellor, on Tuesday, granted an injunction restraining General Sir John Campbell and Attorney-General Sir John Camp- bell from erecting the equestrian statue of George the Third, in the space immediately adjoining Cockspur Street, at the bottom of the Haymarket. The applicants are lessees, under the Crown, of two hou,ses in Pall Mall East, facing the spot chosen for the statue: and it is part of their agreement with the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, that no obstruction shall be placed in the open space in ques- tion. The two Campbells, we suppose, are members of the Commit- tee for erecting the statue.
On Monday, the collecting-clerk of Messrs. Robarts, Curtis, and Co. was robbed of, or lost, his case, containing upwards of 6000/. The amount of bank-notes was only 6001., the remainder consisting of cheeks, which have been stopped. The loss took place in the Borough.