The Duke of York's creditors had a meeting on Monday,
and agreed to petition the House of Commons to take their case into consideration.
A preliminary meeting of the Master Printers of the Metropolis 'was held yesterday, at Anderton's Hotel, to consider the restrictions and liabilities to which the trade would be subjected by the new Stamp Bill; George Woodfall, Esq., F.S.A., in the Chair. Numerous
clauses in the Bill were found to contain pfutitions which would en- tail the most vexatious restrictions and Milks, tagether with severe pe- nalties, upon the Master Printers, who mast be the principal victims of these etiactments, by being made the parties responsible ft* acts and omissions of shit+ it was not possible they should have any effectual cognizance, and for which all their utensils, machinery, and other pro- perty, were to be made liable. A resolution was passed to the above effect, and a Provisional Committee appointed for the further exami- nation of the bill, and also to call a general meeting of the trade, at Stationers' Hall, on an early day.
The Knightsbridge barracks, which for nearly two hundred years have been appropriated for the accommodation of the three regiments of Foot Guards, are at length to be abolished. Four companies of the Coldstream Guards, lately quartered there, will march this morning to the barracks at St. John's Wood; one to St. George's Barracks, Charing Cross ; and the remainder of the troops (consisting chiefly of recruits) are ordered to Croydon. It is stated that the Marquis of Westminster, the ground landlord, intends to convert the site of the Barracks, and soine other adjacent property, into a fashionable square. On Sunday, at St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row, the Reverend B. Noel alluded to the Bishop of London's proposed plan for building fifty new churches; and stated his willingness to receive contributions in the vestry after the service. In the evening, Mr. Noel announced that the donations so given to him amounted to 800/.