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The Court of Common Council, on Tuesday, adopted a petition to the house of Commons, against the Lyndhurst Bill, and praying that good local government might be secured to Ireland by the instrumentality of municipal institutions. Sir Peter Laurie opposed the petition ; but be was defeated by a large mejority.
On Wednesday, a meeting was held at the Crown and Anchor, to take pleasures for raising a subscription to defray the expenses of Mr. O'Connell, in defending his seat for Dublin, and to present bins with a testimonial of approbation of his public conduct. Mr. Hume was Chairman ; and among the gentlemen on the platform, were Mr. Fer- guson of Raith, Mr. Warburton, Mr. Thornely, Mr. J. Oswald, Mr. Leader, Mr. W. Williams, Mr. Wason, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Schole- field, Mr. Thomas Attwood, General Palmer, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Potter, Mr. Otway Cave, Mr. Sharman Crawford, Mr. Bish, and Mr. Ilector,—all Members of Parliament ; the Honourable Leicester Stanhope, Sir J. S. Lillie, Mr. H. B. Fearon, Mr. D. Wakefield, and Mr. Ashton Yates, who acted as Secretary. Mr. Hume opened the business of the day, by recounting the vex. atious opposition Mr. O'Connell had to encounter from the Tories; who, merely for the purpose of annoyance and putting him to expense, had got up petitions, not only against his own return for Dublin, but against Mr. John O'Connell for Kerry, Mr. Morgan O'Connell for Meath, and his son John for Youglial. In defending his son John's seat, Mr. O'Connell had expended upwards of 2000/. He animadverted upon the conduct of the Dublin Election Committee in refusing to bear the charge of bribery against West and Hamilton ; and informed the meeting, that, after deducting 2000/. subscribed in Dublin, the defence of his seat cost Mr. O'Connell 9500/. A petition had now been lodged against his return for Kilkenny. The Tories were sub. scribing to pay West and Hamilton's expenses; and he trusted that Englishmen would come forward and support Daniel O'Connell. Mr. Warburton, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Thornely, Mr. Otway Cave, Mr. Marshall, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Thomas Attwood, and Mr. Williams, proposed and seconded a string of resolutions ; and, in the course of their speeches, highly eulogized the public services and talents of Mr. O'Connell. It was resolved to open a subscription in every part of the country,—to which, Mr. Warburton said, every Member of the Dublin Election Committee ought to subscribe 10001., as.an atone- ment for time injustice they bad done to Mr. O'Connell ; rind at the head of the subscription he thought the name of Mr. George Frederick Young should appear. Mr. Scales said be would subscribe five guineas, or fifty; but he would do more—he would exert himself ,to make the subscription as general as possible. The following subscriptions were announced in the room— Joseph Hume, Esq., 501.; Henry Warburton, Esq., 501.; J. A. Yates, Esq., 501. ; an Israelite, and a friend to civil and religious liberty, 501. ; his family, 251.; John Easthope, Esq., 100/. ; the Reverend HoraceCholmondeley, 1001.; J. Wright, Esq., 1001.; J. Roskell, Esq., 100/. ; some friends of Mr. -O'Connell in Greenock, per Mr. Wallace, M.P., 25/. ; R. Wason, Esq., 100/. ; per Mr. Potter, from Manchester, 700/. ; W. Marshall, Esq. M.P., 1001.,&e. Altogether, nearly :3000/. was subscribed at starting.