4 JUNE 1836, Page 2

The intelligence from Spain is by no means satisfactory. The

new Premier, ISTURITZ, has dissolved the Cortes, without, appa- rently, the slightest chance of obtaining a majority by a new election; and in the mean while MENDIZABAL and his friends are effectually excluded from office for some time to come, if the Court remain faithful to ISTURITZ, and no sudden or violent change be effected.

There has been some severe fighting in the insurgent provinces. CORDOVA, instigated, as is supposed, by ISTURITZ to exert himself for the sake of aiding the new Ministry, attacked the Carlists near Onate on the 21st of May, and drove them back upon that town. On the 25th, the Carlists attempted to force CORDOVA from his advanced position at Arlaban, but without success. Sub- sequently, however, CORDOVA abandoned Arlaban, after destroy- ing its fortifications, and retreated a short distance. It is plain that these operations can have little influence on the result of the war. In the mean while, General EVANS has taken the fort of Passages from the Carlists, with the efficient aid of Lord JOHN HAY and his shells. This success clears the neighbourhood of St. Sebastian of the rebels.