The Tories are quaking—manifestly. We learn from the Morning Advertiser, that about twenty-five Peers assembled yesterday." at the house of an Earl, (Lord HARROWRY ?) whose judgment is much looked up to in the Conservative party," and agreed to a resolution recommending conciliation on the subject of the LYNDIIUBST Bill. It is also said that one of the persons present was supposed to speak the Duke of WELLINGTON'S opinion, when lie told the meeting "drily," that the Lords had "gone too far." The Tories, we know, are in dread of a dissolution of Parliament; and their organ the Times this morn- ing betrays symptoms of alarm on that score. Such being the case, it may be good policy to dissolve ; though we cannot see that there is any necessity for that step. Assuredly Ministers can "go to the country" with better prospects now than a few days ago; for they have assumed a bolder attitude—their tone approximates to that of the Spectator last week. And let them remember, that it is since Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S speech on Wednesday, that the Tories have begun to quail. Whilst the Ministers were subdued in their bearing, the Tories were rampant. One word of warning to the Liberals. At any consultation to which they may be called by Ministers, let them scout the idea of pocketing even a fraction of die insult offered by the Lords. The Bill must either be rejected, or restored in all its essentials.