The appearance of a fourth edition of Rooktvood, in one
goodly volume, clad in an embroidered red jacket like a gallant highway- man, and decked out with illustrative gems by CRUIKSH ANK, is evidence of the sympathy which the ideal account of TURPIN'S ride to York has excited in the reading public. The Newgate Calendar has always been a favourite book with the vulgar ; and the most striking passage in the life of one of its chief heroes, dressed up with the arts of fiction and set in a framework of romance, was calculated to obtain the popularity it has met with.
The present edition contains an Introduction, in which the author discourses learnedly on "flash songs" and slang phrase- ology ; with the addition of half-a-dozen more Lyrics, of the same character as the rest : but its principal attractions are the spirited and characteristic 'etchings of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, who has delineated the chief incidents of TURPIN'S exploit capitally. An admirable portrait of the author, Mr. AINSWORTH, by M'Clo SE, forms the frontispiece. The preface tells us, that the work has been carefully revised, and the more objectionable passages removed. For this, however, we must take the author's word. Rookwood has not yet reached such classic dignity as to demand from us an examination of its "various readings.