St. Vincent De Paul and the Sisters of Charity, is
a little Catholic publication, with apparently a twofold object,—one to interest the reader in the lives of the Romish Saints, and in the charitable establishments to which their religious vows give rise; the other to raise subscriptions for an English foundation mast to the Sisters of Charity, which is to be established at Hastings as soon as the needful is forthcoming. The life of the Saint and the account of the Sisters is told plainly, but meagrely, chiefly adapted for Catholics who are yet feeding upon spoon-meat. We hear much of the "arts of the Romantsts;" but, so far as we have opportunities of judging, the art of literature is not amongst them. In the few productions of their press which come before us, the stimulus of religious or critical duty is needed to carry the reader on. Their writers seem to want the spirit and elegance necessary to attract readers of taste and refinement; whilst, for the vulgar, they are equally deficient in the breadth, the power of popular excitement, and the peculiar unction which distin- guishes such books as the Artful Disclosures of Maria Monk.