The greater part of these publications smack more of trade
than literature. In addition to them, several others are before us, which seem to promise something of merit, if not of any great mark. Amongst them we may enumerate Mr. ARMITAGE'S His- tory of the Brazils, in 2 vols.; PALEY'S Natural Theology, with Illustrations, by Lord BROUGHAM and Sir CHARLES BELL, in 2 vols. And, although we suspect it has been long on its travels, a curious volume from Mr. DEVON relative to payments made out of the revenue during the reign of James the First.
We have also to acknowledge the receipt of' a work promising the most pleasant of all kituht of reading—courtly and fashionable gossip—in the three goodly volumes of Sir NATHANIEL WnAx- ALL'S Posthumous Memoirs: as well as two novels,—Tales of the Wilds and Woods, by the author of the " Old Men's Tales," and Lord Roldan, by ALLAN CUNNINGHAM; all of which arrived too late in the week for careful and considerate reading. Mrs. Cam.- carfs pleasant Essays towards Me History of Painting, we have read ; but room sufficient for doing them justice is not to be had in this week's Number.