4 JUNE 1904, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—During the correspondence in the Spectator in 1900 I wrote to you as one who, not being able for several reasons to be a full-fledged Volunteer, had been permitted to join a Volunteer regiment as an honorary member. I also held that this was better practice than joining short-range rifle clubs. Now that the question has been reopened (recently) in the Daily Telegraph, may I remark that the charges for honorary membership in . various districts differ considerably ? In Sussex it was £1 is. In another district I hear that the cost of honorary membership is £5, and in yet another In view of this fact, I hope I may rely on your courtesy to use this letter.—I am, Sir, &c., EDWARD URWICK. York Hotel, Byde, Isle of Wight. • • CHILLIANWALLAH.