It Is With Deep Regret That We Record The Death
of Mr. W. T. Arnold, which took place in London on Sunday last. Mr. Arnold, who was a grandson of Dr. Arnold of Rugby ; and so a nephew of Matthew Arnold and a brother of Mrs.......
Sir Edward Grey, Who Followed, Fully Endorsed Lord...
that the transaction should not be regarded is a mere matter of profit and loss. Goodwill could . not be expressed in the terms of a treaty, but it was none the leis a valuable......
The Prince Of Monaco, Who Is Devoted To Oceanography And
has had Much practical experience as a whaler, delivered a lecture at the Royal Institution on Friday week which is full of points of interest for the unlearned. The Prince......
A Great Meeting Of Protest Against The Government...
organised by the Anglican and Free Churches and numerous Temperance associations, and attended by twelve thousand persons, was held last Saturday in the Albert Hall. Lord Peel,......
• The Country Already Owes A Deep Debt Of Gratitude
to Mr. Rowntree and Mr. Sherwell for their sane and reasonable handling of the problem of the sale of intoxicants. That debt is increased by the way in which they are now......
We Wish We Had Space To Quote More Of The
figures given by Mr. Rowntree and Mr. Sherwell, but we may note that now only about £275,000 a year is received from London licenses, though if London paid in the same......
We Would Most Earnestly Ask The Nation Not To Be
misled into supporting the present Bill on the mistaken ground that it is doing justice to the publican, who is being unfairly attacked by the extreme Temperance party. What is......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
Consols (2i per cent.) were on Friday 904.......