4 JUNE 1904, page 15

To The Jungfrau.

Culmina et aeternum candida saxa sequor, Non illa aethereas vi vix exstructa sub auras Sed mage de caelo sponte caduca rear. Oft as the Maiden Mount sublime in her purity......

"the Dragoons," &c. This Distinguished Regiment Has An...

but at Chillianwallah it simply bolted. This is the incident which gives point to the lines, "They called us Delhi rebels,' and we answered Threes about," in Rudyard Kipling's "......

Slit,—may I Suggest That The Writer Of Your Article Under

the above beading in the Spectator of May 28th is mistaken in one or two of his interpretations ? He says that the meaning of the Cornish word " roe " is valley ; surely the......

Dalhousie.* Tina Career Of A Great Administrator Must Of...

be full of disputed questions, which the exigencies of his position forbid him to clear up by the easy method of personal ex- planation. He is dependent upon posterity for his......

[to The Editor Op Trh "spectator.") Generous Assistance...

J. H. Buxton, who is still its treasurer :— . During 1903 our 14 inspectors attached extra animals to 17,350 over-loaded vehicles, and diminished the loads of 8,759 others ;......

Honorary Members Of Volunteer Corps.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—During the correspondence in the Spectator in 1900 I wrote to you as one who, not being able for several reasons to be a full-fledged......

Pro The Editor Op The " Spurs:oz.") Sin, — The Writer 'of

the interesting article on "The Wessex 'Farmer" in the Spectator of May 7th is pazzled by the' term " Joiceman Shepherd," used of one who pastures his sheep for Pajment on other......

"but The Day-star Attracted His Eye's Sad Devotion. For It

rose o'er his own native isle of the Ocean"? The exile from Erin, when "in a far foreign land" he awakens —i.e., in America, the Western Continent—greets the morning sun because......

Si;—as A "mixed Metaphor," Not From The Rostrum, But From

the pulpit, I think the following can hardly be beaten. A preacher, who was rebuking his flock for their apathy, declared that but a spark of grace remained to show that they......