4 JUNE 1904, Page 15

[To THE EDITOR OP TRH "SPECTATOR.") generous assistance of Mr.

J. H. Buxton, who is still its treasurer :— . During 1903 our 14 inspectors attached extra animals to 17,350 over-loaded vehicles, and diminished the loads of 8,759 others ; 'while they confiscated over 6,000 sticks and 500 stakes • used for beating, besides 2,456 iron instruments of torture. There were 2,129 prosecutions, of which 2 were for knocking out horses' eyes, 1 for stabbing a mule, and another for blinding cage-birds to znake them sing at night. The Italians are now awaking to the necessity of protecting animals from the frightful tortures to which they are commonly subjected in this country, and we have recently received appeals from all parts to aid in the formation .of branches. Work was started at Girgenti (Sicily) last May, and an inspector is now at work at Taorroina' but want of funds has compelled us to refuse to send agents to Perugia; Spelia, Lucca, 'Carrara, Reggio in Calabria, and other places. The field is vast, and the promise of the harvest rich, if only we had the means to cultivate it ; and I turn once more to my kind-hearted com- patriots, entreating them to enable us, 'by their generosity, to , extend our much-needed work. Contributions will be gratefully received and promptly acknowledged by Miss P. H. Johnston, 'The Beeches, Carlisle, and by Mr. Leonard T. Hawksley, 2 Via ,Vittoria, Naples, Italy.

.—I am, Sir, Ste.,

E. L. M. (Princess) MELE BARESE,
