4 JUNE 1904, page 14

Sta, — I Was In The Sheldonian, Seated Comfortably In One Of

the lower galleries, and saw and heard much better than any one on the floor could have done. My impression was that the principal cause of the interruption, except in a few......

Sie,—as One Of The "large Contingent Of Clergymen" Who Went

up, not to shout, but to vote against the proposed radical change in the School of Theology, I must protest against the sweeping generalisations of "Layman" and the assumptions......

Honorary Members Of Volunteer Corps.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—During the correspondence in the Spectator in 1900 I wrote to you as one who, not being able for several reasons to be a full-fledged......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator:1 Sm,—though Somewhat Late

in the day, owing to the distance separating Australia from England, I should like, with your permission, to reply to Mr.,Pwsl ford's letter in your issue of March 5th. He says,......

[to The Editor Of The " Spe . Ctator.1 Sie,•••4 Cannot Help

protesting, after reading the remarkable list of thefts cited in the letter under the above heading in the Spectator of May 21st, against the verlict that Disraeli "only used......

[to . The Editor Of The "spectator.'] Who Know Bait And

South' Lcmdon an the poorer parts of other English cities must rejoice at the . prospect of tliayoung men of the classes who inhabit them being released, if only for a year,......