4 JUNE 1904, Page 2

The Pope is evidently disposed to abandon much of his

quarrel with the Italian dynasty. The King has been ! recently, at Bologna, which was within the Papal Stated, and on Saturday last the first visit paid to him at the Municipal Palace was that of Cardinal Svampa, Archbishop Of Bologna. The visit was paid in great state, with gala carriage, mounted Carabinieri, and all that, and was, of course, made with the fullest consent of Pius X. The visit is considered in Italy equivalent to a kind of pardon for the house of

Savoy, and many are inclined to explain it as a confession' that•the Papacy gives up its claim to the Papal States, retaining only its right to reign in Rome, that, said the- Abbe rGayraud in the French Chamber, being the only effective guarantee for its independence. Another reason 'assigned is the strong personal regard of the present Pope' for the-Italian Royal Family; but probably the true explana- tion is that the Vatican, seeing the irritation created in France by the recent protest, hopes to detach Italy from the 'side of the French Liberals. Germany is evidently courting the Papacy, and the Pope may hope that, if his policy is '-fa,vourably regarded by the three parties to the Triple Alliance, France may hesitate to take any strong steps against Ultra- ! montanism. That is subtle; but if Frenchmen once suspect that the Holy Father is politically committed to that com- bination, Pius X. may find that he has not many devoted friends left in France. It is unfortunate for him that he thoroughly understands only Italians.