4 JUNE 1904, Page 26

City of London Directory. (W. H. and L. Collingridge. 12s.

6d.) —This excellent Directory, which comes as near completeness as any such work can, is now in its thirty-fourth year. The full account of the City Companies is, as usual, one of the most in- teresting and valuable features. The map, which is on the scale of a little more than twenty-five inches to the mile, is one of the best things of the kind that we have seen. "Pudding Lane" still exists, we see ; but "Pie Corner" has disappeared.—Wo may take this opportunity of mentioning English Topography, XV., edited by George Laurence Gomme (Elliot Stock, 'is. 6d.), as including London generally, and the City of London in particular, a volume full of curious facts, which it is well to collect and preserve.