4 JUNE 1904, Page 26

In the "Arden Shakespeare" (Methuen and Co., 3s. 6d.) we

have Titus Andronicus, edited by H. Bellyse Baildon.—A good school-book which we would gladly notice at greater length is The Characters of Theophrastus, edited by J. M. Edmonds, M.A., and G. E. V. Austen, M.A. (Blackie and Son, 4s. 6d.) Even schoolboys must find something to interest them in Theophrastus, who is as fresh and pointed to-day as he was more than a couple of millenniums ago.—Of reprints we may mention Frank Pairlegh, by Frank R. Smedley, one of the "Plain and Coloured Books Library" (Methuen and Co., 3s. 6d. net). It is pleasant to renew acquaintance with the boisterous fun of this story, so pathetically contrasted with the circumstances of the author. ---In the "Boys' Classics" (Grant Richards, is. net), The Scottish Chiefs, by Jane Porter.