4 NOVEMBER 1932, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Janus' note reminds me that on the morning of Sunday, April 20th, 1919, I saw Signor Orlando standing at one of the windows of President Wilson's house in the rue Nitot, Paris, apparently weeping. Mr. Lloyd George and Sir Maurice Ilankey told me subsequently that Orlando had been overcome by a sympathetic speech made by Mr. Lloyd George at a meeting between elemenceau, Lloyd George, President Wilson, Orlando and Sonnino on the Italian territorial claims. They said it was a very t,oucbing scene. Orlando got up, walked to the window, and regularly broke down. President Wilson 'was much upset. He also rose and went and shook Orlando by the hand.—I am, Sir, /cc., RIDDELL. 20 Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.1.