Gain. By Angus Buchanan. (murray. 7s. 6d.)—the Great Open...
(Canadian) with gold-digging, trapping, and sentimentalising as their chief industries. Good reading, for those who like it.......
Mas. Jim. By Archibald Marshall. (benn. 9d.)—mr. Marshall...
a signal success of this new, short novel form. Mrs. Jim's troubles with the domineering Lady Calendar are very skilfully planned, and the matrimonial conclusions are such as......
Magical Incense. By Francesca Claremont. (cassell. 7s....
first novel about the three daughters of a country parson and their difficulties with the elder. and the younger generation. Setting and dialogue are admirably done.......
The November Reviews Blackwood's, Always Readable From...
contai ns three particularly good articles. Mr. Desmond Young, in A Job on the French Coast," describes a difficult salvage of a cargo-vessel ashore amid rocks - near Ushant:......
Wingless Triumph. By Daphne Motteram. (murray. 7s....
fiction seem always to revolt from a loveless existence and hope for something better. Agatha is no exception, and she goes her scheduled way in a story as amiable and......
Further Fiction
LirrLE COMFORT. By George Manning - Sanders. (Grayson. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Manning-Sanders' rustic characters have individual and fantastic shape, not only physically but spiritually,......
Smith. By Warwick Deeping. (cassell. 7s. 6d.)—mr. Deep....
long known how to flatter his readers with a hero whose struggles and home life they can identify with their own—a decent, ordinary man facing fearful odds with a stiff upper......
Adown The Tigris I Was Borne. By Shalimar. (black- Wood.
7s. 6d.)—A collection of capital yarns. " Shalimar " has seen very active service both as soldier and sailor ;- his description of a retreat down the Tigris is perhaps the best......
Pan's Parish. By Louise Redfield Peattie. (methuen....
were Father Boniface, a lost English lady, and a miraculous baby. This tale of Provence is slight and a little fantastic, but it is very pleasant to read.......
The Biudge To Power. By Ivan Morton. (wishart. 7s. 6d.)
—A tale of the Soviet, in which the English bridge-builder sees more clearly than any of the Russians how power over civilization is to be achieved. Intrigue, adventure, and......
Venusberg. By Anthony Powell. (duckworth. 7s. 6d.)— A...
of diplomatic and less exalted society in a little Baltic State. Mr. Powell's dialogue and comments are crisp, shrewd, and satirical, and his second novel is a worthy successor......
Tudor Sunset. By Mrs. Wilfrid Ward. (sheed And Ward. 7s.
6d.)—Mrs. Ward approaches Elizabeth's reign with ample knowledge and interest, but her religious and patriotic pre- occupations are too heavy for her story, though it has many......
The Valley. By Richard Macfarlane. (hamilton. 7s. 6d.)—...
doctor has revealed to him in dreams the secret of a new treatment which has extraordinary results. The world gets hold of his discovery, the villagers are demoralised, a......
Moon In Scorpio. By Helen Granville-barker. (sidgwick And...
6d.) Mrs. Granville-Barker contrasts two friends, one ageing, but still beautiful, and the other young, but plain, who are separated by their love for the same man. Her unerring......
• Dea'th And The Lover. By Hermann Hesse. (jarrolds.
6d.)—Herr Hesse's novel has excellent things in it, notably the descriptions of life in a mediaeval monastery. There, his lack of humour does not matter ; but when he comes to......